Inspired by the people at Team Flower and their amazing site of resources, I wanted to share why I value professional development and how I am utilizing it in my emerging flower business.
A few years ago a musician friend of mine received the title of "Best Drummer" from the Austin Music Awards. This is the same friend who once told me, "there will always be someone who is better than you." While these words might seem discouraging at first, they are actually quite freeing. If there is always going to be someone better than me than I'll never stop learning! No matter what my trade or profession, if I am the best than innovation is no longer necessary. That is why I believe that taking a stance of "always growing" is essential to keeping the flower industry innovative and interesting. It is through the lens of a student that I develop and hone my skills of flower making and can offer the best arrangements to my clients.
Reaching out to local florists and farmers to ask questions is often intimidating, however I am surprised to see how many designers are willing to offer their knowledge. Another great skill sharing resource for florists is Team Flower. Utilizing the online materials that Team Flower has put on their Youtube channel and website has helped me in learning new techniques for challenging and unique arrangements. While free media resources are wonderful tools, there is nothing like attending an in person workshop where other professional florists are working with you to critique and help you identify areas of growth.
Luckily, Team Flower offers workshops in professional development for florists whether you are starting out or are well established in your practice. I encourage you to browse the amazing offering of classes available for your own professional development in floral design and perhaps we will have the opportunity to meet at one of these wonderful workshops. See the list of classes and events at Team Flower by clicking here.
I know for me, attending a Team Flower workshop would provide the confidence I need to take my business to the next level and allow me to continue learning and growing in my practice. The idea of expanding my network and meeting others at various stages of their careers excites me to no end. Not only do I hope to attend one of these workshops for my own development but further, to share with others the joy of flower arranging. #TeamFlowerWorskhop #FlowertoFlower #AlwaysGrowing