Flowers to brighten a world dimly lit.
Flower Clvb is about bringing light, connecting with, feasting alongside and adorning our neighbors— that includes the Earth— as well as our fellow sapiens. The “clvb” in Flower Clvb indicates the larger family of which we are all apart. “Family” is such an important word to us as we aim to celebrate the earth and its inhabitants. At Flower Clvb, we believe that beautification of lived environments is crucial to affirming human dignity, and that floral adornment reinforces the value and worth of the human experience. Flowers bloom for all people.
Flower Clvb holds the firm belief whether you are working from home, in a room full of people celebrating a wedding or simply enjoying the outdoors on a hike, the way we experience our space has a profound impact on our ability to engage in the present. There is a reason we pursue the beauty of nature. There is a reason why our phones are only temporary fixes to our insatiable desire to connect. The reason is that we are creatures made with an aesthetic sense deeply rooted in our connection to the earth and to each other. Nature not only inspires our designs, it is the media we use to create and celebrate. Why decorate, or dress up for an occasion? Lavishing our neighbors requires no amount of resources or frivolity, rather it requires an expressive generosity, accessible to all. Celebration does not discriminate and neither do flowers. The celebration of feast days, holidays, birthdays and remembrance ceremonies span the breadth of cultural tradition and practices. Flower Clvb exists for these shared markers that give us moment to pause. From life’s first cry to final breath, we are here for the party and we want you to join the clvb because really, you are already a part of it!
Contact Flower Clvb at if you need a florist for a wedding, event or style opportunity.
And my family has never been just human beings. To be any kind of animal at all is to be within obligate mutualisms with a whole range of other plants, animals, and microbes and living as a holobiont, not as a single organism or individual. -Donna Haraway